Jump rope exercise waist strength and skills

Rope skipping is one of the simplest and most effective ways to lose weight. It can remove all the excess fat from the legs, buttocks, waist, and arms. As long as 30 minutes per day, in January can easily get rid of 10 pounds of fat, is a convenient device to exercise at any time and place, although the rope skipping action seems very simple, but in fact the exercise is quite comprehensive. You can continue to consume the body's stored fat, and can exercise muscles in multiple areas, including abdominal muscles.

When skipping, your limbs and body need to repeat the same pattern for a long time. This will not only strengthen the cardiovascular system, but also consume calories and achieve weight loss. In addition, the body's multiple muscle groups also need to continue working. Jumping ropes need to exercise including calf muscles, quadriceps, thigh muscles, shoulders, back, arms, and of course, the abdomen. Because when you jump up and down, the abdominal muscles must remain tense to maintain upper body stability, and, when you jump, you also need to build up strength and strength through the waist and belly.


What can the abs


When skipping, your rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, internal obliques, and external obliques are part of the abdominal muscles. The rectus abdominis muscle is the main part of the stomach. The internal oblique and external oblique muscles are located on the side of the stomach and the transverse abdominis muscle is in the stomach. The combination of these muscle groups can make the abdomen shrink inward. If you breathe heavily while skipping, your abdominal muscles will get more exercise.


Jump rope exercise waist strength and skills


Jumping at a steady pace is enough to exercise on the abdomen and waist, but if you slightly change the exercise, the effect will be better. For example, using a speed-changing or fancy jump rope, jumping forwards or backwards, at the same time, the speed can be changed quickly and slowly, allowing the waist and abdomen to exert more force. In addition, abdominal exercise can be increased by running-style jumps, high leg lifts, or cross leg jumps.


Pay attention to the weight of the rope


To achieve the effect of weight loss, the effect of increasing the resistance of skipping ropes will be greater, and the method is the weight of the rope, which can improve the effect of muscle exercise. The heavier the rope, the better the workout. The greater the weight of the rope or handle, the more difficult it is to swing. In addition, you can also use the method of weight skipping, tied a sandbag in the ankle, or wear heavy clothing.

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